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Keeping them clean and mop up the inevitable spills surprises with our range of Baby Bibs & Muslins. They’ll keep your baby, toddler or kid covered from night feeds and first foods all the way to mealtime mayhem and crazy crafting sessions.

Find Weaning and Long Sleeve Bibs with elasticated sleeves, adjustable poppers at the neck and wide pockets for catching and retrieving dropped finger food. Wipe them down or pop them in the washing machine: we’ve got recycled fabrics and handy 2-packs too - so you always have a clean one spare.

Our on-trend range of Dribble Bibs come in handy when they're drooling for England: KIDLY Label’s reversible Brilliant Bib even folds out into a face-cloth sized square for major clean-ups. Browse tonal modern shades in soft fabrics like muslin and terry cloth with a water-resistant backing. And you can literally never have enough Muslin Squares: they’ll earn their keep about a thousand times over. Use them for night feeds, as burp cloths, changing mats, comfort blankets and impromptu sunshades too.

Browse plain colours and patterns, bold shades, pastels, spots, animal prints, florals and bold monochrome designs that newborns go gaga for. Whatever your taste or stage, our Baby Bibs & Muslins collection has every angle covered.